Hello Parents! We believe you (parents) are the most significant influence in your kids' lives and are in the best position to help your kids know God. We also believe that we can uniquely equip and partner with you along the way as a kid’s ministry. With this in mind, this newsletter will highlight resources, events, and opportunities for us to partner together in raising the next generation.

February Series Description: Have you ever been on a bus filled with people? There are grandparents, kids, teenagers, people going to the store, people going to work, people going to school. They may not know each other, but do you know what they all have in common? Jesus loves every one of them. Every. Single. One! Think about it this way: if Jesus was driving a bus, everyone would be invited to get on. EVERYONE!
This month, you get to tell preschoolers that Jesus loves them. Jesus loves their family. Jesus loves their friends. Jesus loves everyone! And Jesus wants everyone to follow Him! So, crank up that bus! Get those wheels turning! There is a great big world that needs to hear that Jesus loves everyone!
Monthly Memory Verse: "Love each other in the same way I have loved you!” John 15:12, NLT
Monthly Bottom Line: Ask your child: WHO DOES JESUS LOVE? Say with your child: JESUS LOVES EVERYONE!
Weekly Bible Story and Focus:
Week 1: February 2, 2025
Bible Story: Peter, Andrew, James, and John - Matthew 4:18-22
Story Focus: Jesus says, “Follow Me.”
Week 2: February 9, 2025
Bible Story: Matthew - Matthew 9:9-10
Story Focus: Jesus loves everyone.
Week 3: February 16, 2025
Bible Story: Philip and Nathanael - John 1:43-49
Story Focus: I can tell my friends about Jesus.
Week 4: February 23, 2025
Bible Story: The Twelve Disciples - Matthew 4:18-22, 9:9-10, 10:2-4; John 1:43-49
Story Focus: Jesus wants everyone to follow Him.
Find the weekly videos and parent guides on our Preschool Resources Page.

February Series Description: Don’t worry - it’s not time for a new pair of glasses just yet! We made these pictures fuzzy for a reason! During “Let’s Focus,” kids will see a series of blurry pictures. As the pictures gradually become clear, they’ll race to say what it is. Each picture helps make the truth of God’s Word easy to see and brings into focus the forever love of Jesus.
Key passages, verses, and questions for this month: Read the passages together as a family and ask the following questions. Also, take the time to watch the weekly lesson video (around 10 minutes) together as a family.
February 2: Jesus Calls His Disciples
Big Idea: Jesus calls ordinary people like us to follow Him.
Bible Basis: Luke 5:1-11, 27-31, 6:12-16; Matthew 4:18-22
Key Verse: “And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.’” Mark 1:17
Discussion Questions for Younger Kids: What did you find interesting about this story? Out of all the people Jesus met, why do you think He chose someone like Simon to follow Him?
Discussion Questions for Older Kids: What do you think this story teaches us about God? What do you think Jesus meant when He said He would make Simon a fisher of men?
Watch the weekly lesson video together as a family.
February 9: The Woman at the Well
Big Idea: God’s love is greater than our sin, so we can go to Him for forgiveness.
Bible Basis: John 4:1-26
Key Verse: “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
Discussion Questions for Younger Kids: What did you like best about this story? Why do you think the Samaritan woman was so surprised that Jesus talked to her?
Discussion Questions for Older Kids: What do you think was so surprising about this story? What do you think Jesus meant when He talked about living water?
Watch the weekly lesson video together as a family.
February 16: Do Not Judge Others
Big Idea: Jesus wants us to think about our own mistakes before pointing out others.
Bible Basis: Matthew 7:1-5
Key Verse: “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.” Matthew 7:5
Discussion Questions for Younger Kids: Why do you think so many people followed Jesus? Do you remember what it means to judge people? What does it mean?
Discussion Questions for Older Kids: What do you think Jesus meant when He said, “Take the piece of wood out of your own eye?” Why do you think Jesus warned against judging other people?
Watch the weekly lesson video together as a family.
February 23: Jesus and the Pharisees
Big Idea: Jesus wants us to be pure in heart, not just pretenders.
Bible Basis: Matthew 23
Key Verse: “Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10
Discussion Questions for Younger Kids: Would you want to be like the Pharisees? Why or why not? What do you think Jesus cares about more, looking good on the outside or being good on the inside? Why?
Discussion Questions for Older Kids: Why do you think Jesus compared the Pharisees to a tomb that is painted white on the outside? Why do you think Jesus cares more about what people look like on the inside?
Watch the weekly lesson video together as a family.
Find the weekly videos and parent guides on our Elementary Resources Page

February Series Description: We are continuing our “Wired for Worship” series!
We all worship something, but what is true worship and how do we worship God rightly? In this new series, we will introduce preteens to the biblical understanding of worship and why it is important to the Christian life. As we walk through passages in Scripture, we pray that preteens will come to understand that worship is more than just showing up at a church building, singing hymns, or serving others. Worship is our response to God–showing love, respect, and honor to God.
God’s Word helps us to understand that worship begins with knowing the truth of who God is, esteeming God to His rightful place, and loving God above all else. Through this series, we will encourage preteens to look to Jesus and seek to be satisfied in Him. And when they do, they will find that worship of God is what they were made for.
Key passages, verses, and questions for this month: Read the passages together as a family and ask the following questions.
February 2: Why Should People Gather to Worship?
Big Idea: Since the church is the body of Christ, Christians should gather to worship and build up one another.
Bible Basis: Ephesians 4:11-16
Key Verse: "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." Hebrews 10:24-25
Discussion Questions of the Week:
- How has your life been impacted by gathering to worship with other believers?
- In what ways is your church seeking to be unified in the faith? If there is disunity, how might the church overcome this obstacle?
- Why does Paul say “each part working properly” in Ephesians 4:16? What is the significance of this phrase if the church is to build itself up in love?
Please see your preteen’s weekly family guide for further activities and questions.
February 9: How is my Life an Act of Worship?
Big Idea: Christians worship and honor God daily in the way they live their lives.
Bible Basis: Romans 12:1-2; Matthew 5:14-16
Key Verse: "To the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever." 1 Timothy 1:17
Discussion Questions of the Week:
- What are examples of holy and pleasing sacrifices we can make to God?
- Why is holiness important to God? Why do our minds need to be transformed to holiness?
- How do we discern God’s will? How is God’s will related to Jesus’ words in Matthew 5?
Please see your preteen’s weekly family guide for further activities and questions.
February 16: How Do We Worship?
Big Idea: We worship God by responding in Spirit & truth – to react in the unseen & seen.
Bible Basis: John 4:23-24
Key Verse: "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:24
Discussion Questions of the Week:
- What does it mean to worship in spirit (unseen)?
- What does it mean to worship in truth (seen)?
- How do you react/respond to God's gift of salvation?
Please see your preteen’s weekly family guide for further activities and questions.
February 23: Why Do People Get Baptized?
Big Idea: People are baptized to obey Jesus’ command and follow His example.
Bible Basis: Matthew 3:13-17; Matthew 28:19; Romans 6:1-6; 1 Corinthians 12:12-14
Key Verse: "We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life." Romans 6:4
Discussion Questions of the Week:
- How would you explain the importance of baptism to a new Christian?
- Why is following the command of Jesus to be baptized so important?
- How does baptism symbolize that we are now united to the body of Christ?
Please see your preteen’s weekly family guide for further activities and questions.
February Series Theme: Jesus Teaches with Stories
February Monthly Verse: John 10:11
January 2: The Forgiving Father
Big Idea: God loves us and will forgive us when we make mistakes.
Bible Basis: Luke 15:11-32
January 9: The Good Neighbor
Big Idea: We can love our neighbors by helping others.
Bible Basis: Luke 10:25-37
January 16: The Soil and the Seeds
Big Idea: We want our hearts to be like the good soil, where God’s Word can grow and make us more like Jesus.
Bible Basis: Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:4-5
January 23: The Good Shepherd
Big Idea: Jesus is the Good Shepherd and cares for us!
Bible Basis: John 10:1-18
FG Kids Serving Needs: We are in need of leaders for Thrive 9 & 11 AM; Preschool Lower (18-24m and 2 years old) 9 & 11 AM; Preschool Upper 9 AM & 11 AM; K-3rd 11 AM; Preteen 9 AM & 11 AM. If you are interested in serving, please fill out the serving interest form online.
Adams Mill Open House - February 23: More details to come!
FG has launched our parent podcast, Parenting for a Change, with Next Gen Pastor, Matt Densky, and Executive Pastor, Rob Marks. How do we parent our kids well in the midst of all kinds of change? How do we change as parents so that, in turn, our kids change for the better? Our hope and prayer is that parents would grow in their own faith in Christ and then pass on that kind of authentic faith to the next generation. This first series of podcasts will break down 5 principles of what it looks like to pass on our faith. Listen on Spotify or the FG Website!
If you have any questions about our ministry or doing life with a preschool and elementary child, please let us know by reaching out to us!