Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE


Hello Parents! We believe you (parents) are the most significant influence in your kids' lives and are in the best position to help your kids know God. We also believe that we can uniquely equip and partner with you along the way as a kid’s ministry. With this in mind, this newsletter will highlight resources, events, and opportunities for us to partner together in raising the next generation. 


July Series Description: No one likes for a party to end, so let’s keep this party going! That means you can keep all of those streamers, hats, and party horns right where they are because we have MORE to celebrate! This month, we’re celebrating Jesus because Jesus gives me joy! 

We’re not talking about the happiness you get from a carnival ride or a triple scoop of ice cream kind of joy. We’re talking about the joy only Jesus can give! It’s the kind of joy that we can have no matter what. It is a joy that lasts forever! 

So grab a handful—or two—of confetti. It’s time to start the party . . . AGAIN!

Monthly Memory Verse: “I bring you good news of great that will be for all the people!” Luke 2:10 ESV

Monthly Bottom Line: Ask your child: WHO GIVES YOU JOY? Say with your child: JESUS GIVES ME JOY!

Weekly Bible Story and Focus: 

Week 1: July 7, 2024
Bible Story: Shepherds and Angels - Luke 2:8-10
Story Focus: Jesus came to give the world joy. 
Week 2: July 14, 2024
Bible Story: Wedding at Cana - John 2:1-11
Story Focus: Jesus helps us have joy.

Week 3: July 21, 2024
Bible Story: Be Joyful with Others - Romans 12:15
Story Focus: I can help my friends have joy.

Week 4: July 28, 2024
Bible Story: Heaven - Revelation 21, 22:1-5; John 14:3
Story Focus: I can have joy forever because Jesus wants to be my friend forever. 

Find the weekly videos and parent guides on our Preschool Resources Page.


July Series Description: Who doesn’t love a good emoji?! Happy, sad, scared, or mad—we can show people how we’re feeling with just one little picture. Emoji’s are also the perfect way to unpack the Book of Psalms! During “Emoji Madness,” kids will use different emoji’s to tell the Bible story and to discover how God helps us manage our emotions.

Key passages, verses, and questions for this month: Read the passages together as a family and ask the following questions. Also, take the time to watch the weekly lesson video (around 10 minutes) together as a family.

July 7: Elisha’s Servant is Afraid

*Online only! There is no elementary programming this week due to the holiday weekend. Enjoy family worship!*

Big Idea: God is with us when we’re afraid, so we can pray that He’ll open our eyes.

Bible Basis: 2 Kings 6:8-22

Key Verse: “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4

Discussion Questions for Younger Kids: What was your favorite part of this story? Why do you think Elisha wasn’t afraid of the enemy army, but his servant was? 

Discussion Questions for Older Kids: What does this story teach you about God? How might this story help you the next time you feel afraid? 

Watch the weekly lesson video together as a family.

July 14: Ezra Brings Joy Back to Israel

Big Idea: God’s Word brings joy to everyone who understands it.

Bible Basis: Nehemiah 8

Key Verse: “Your testimonies are my heritage forever, for they are the joy of my heart.” Psalm 119:111

Discussion Questions for Younger Kids: What was your favorite part of this story? Why do you think the people of Israel felt so much joy? 

Discussion Questions for Older Kids: What does this story teach you about God’s Word? Why do you think listening to God’s Word caused so much joy for the Israelites? 

Watch the weekly lesson video together as a family.

July 21: King Ahab’s Anger

Big Idea: God desires peace, so we can turn away from anger.

Bible Basis: 1 Kings 21

Key Verse: “Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.” Psalm 37:8

Discussion Questions for Younger Kids: What was your favorite part of this story? Why do you think King Ahab got so angry? Was he right to be angry? 

Discussion Questions for Older Kids: What was the consequence of King Ahab’s anger? How do you think the story would have ended differently if Ahab had controlled his anger? 

Watch the weekly lesson video together as a family.

July 28: Making Peace with Others

Big Idea: Jesus is the Good Shepherd who makes peace with us, so I can make peace with others.

Bible Basis: Matthew 18:10-20

Key Verse: “Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” Psalm 34:14

Discussion Questions for Younger Kids: What was your favorite part of this story? Why do you think the shepherd would leave the 99 other sheep behind just to find the one lost sheep? 

Discussion Questions for Older Kids: How do you think Jesus is like the good shepherd in this story? Do you remember what steps Jesus said to take if someone sins against you? 

Watch the weekly lesson video together as a family.

Find the weekly videos and parent guides on our Elementary Resources Page


July Series Description: We are continuing in our “Everyday Theology” series! 

Theology? What’s that? It’s the awesome, wonder-filled, mind-blowing study of God! Theology might sound like something just for adults, but it’s never too early to get started learning about who God is! Theology will stretch your mind, challenge you, and teach you important truths that will start building a strong foundation of faith! 

This 8-week series will be filled with numerous guest speakers who will speak into theological topics - including God’s holiness, Scripture, creation, sin, salvation, the Holy Spirit, the Church and heaven - and share with us how they think about God, who He is, and what He has done for us.

You might not be a theologian yet, but by the end of this series, you will be! Come join us as we dive into the Bible and uncover the character, nature, and depth of our God.

June 2: God

June 9: Scripture

June 16: Creation

June 23: Sin

June 30: Salvation (Jesus)

*July 7 - There is no preteen programming this week due to the holiday weekend. Enjoy family worship!*

July 14: Holy Spirit

July 21: Church

July 28: Heaven

Please see your preteen’s weekly family guide for further activities and questions.


This month, we are highlighting one of our amazing Thrive volunteers. Say hello to Elizabeth Brown! 

How long have you been a part of Fellowship Greenville and Thrive? I’ve been attending FG since early 2022, and I’ve been serving with Thrive for almost a year now! 

Why did you decide to serve in Thrive? I’ve spent most of my life, and now my career, with individuals with special needs and love this population so much. After getting settled in at FG, I began to feel the Lord calling me to serve in some capacity. When I learned about Thrive, I knew right away that it was where I was meant to be! 

What is your favorite thing about Sunday mornings? My favorite thing about Sunday mornings is getting to talk to and spend time with the kids before we get started on the lesson. Thrive tends to have a smaller and more consistent group and because of this, I have really gotten to know them through our time together each week! 

What is a fun fact about yourself? I love the outdoors and traveling to explore new places! I’ve gotten to hike beautiful trails across the US and in other countries, and I hope to continue exploring new parts of the world as much as possible!


FG Kids Summer Serving Opportunities: With vacation plans, we will have a limited FG Kids serving team this summer. We have many Sunday serving opportunities available this summer and would love for you to join our team by choosing what dates and service time you are available. Please go to our website to view available serving opportunities! Thank you in advance for serving on our summer team! 

Look Up Lodge - July 24-27, 2024: Registration is now open! This fun-filled overnight, summer camp, for kids entering 4th-6th grade in the fall, will take place Wednesday, July 24-Saturday, July 27, in Travelers Rest, South Carolina. The cost is $260 per child and is due at the time of registration. For more information and to register, visit our Look Up Lodge events page. **Space is limited; we encourage you to register early.

FG Kids Summer Park Days: We would love all of our FG Kids families to join us (FG Kids staff) this summer for three parks days - June 11, June 25, and July 16 - for fun and fellowship! While your child enjoys a playdate with other children, parents can enjoy some fellowship time with each other. Feel free to invite any other preschool and elementary age families. You can find more information and details on park locations on our website

Known & Loved Pieces of Me Kids Camp - July 22-26, 2024: Pieces of Me Camp is a therapeutically informed day camp that includes teaching, discussion, and fun activities to help adopted children and teenagers explore their identity, process their past, celebrate who God created them to be, and discover their story. Visit their website for more information! 

Parent Dedication - Sunday, August 4: We believe that children are a gift from God and parents carry the responsibility to steward the foundation of their child’s faith. Parent Dedication is a special time designated for parents to publicly commit to raise their child in God’s will and God’s Word. It is a time to celebrate all together as parents your desires and hopes while also acknowledging your need for God to be active in your family life. Our Celebration will take place in both auditoriums for the 9 and 11 AM service here at Fellowship Greenville. For more information and registration, please visit our website

K Rise - Saturday, August 10: Join us from 9-12 PM for a high-energy, fun-packed morning that is designed for children entering into Kindergarten in the fall. We believe that K Rise is a vital launching point for this new adventure to help both parents and kindergarteners understand the transition from embracing their child's physical needs to engaging their interests. Kids and parents will meet the small group leaders, get a taste of the new programming and worship, and have a chance to walk through the classrooms that the Kindergarteners will be moving to. You can visit our website to register!

Rise Sunday - August 11: Everyone will move up to their next area/grade on Rise Sunday, which is August 11. Until then, all children and students will remain in the area/grade they just completed. 

Next Gen Leader Launch - Sunday, August 18: Whether you’ve served for five minutes, five years, or just want to learn more about investing in the next generation, this launch is for you! Next Gen Leader Launch is for those who have served, are serving, or are interested in serving within any of our Next Gen ministries (nursery-high school). Help us kick off this next school year with other like-minded leaders who are willing to let God use them to influence the next generation. Visit our event page for more information and registration!


Thoughts from our K-3rd Coordinator, Brooke Porter: 

Summer is coming to a close, and we are about to enter into a new school year, which means new rhythms, schedules, and a re-evaluation of family and individual needs. Write It On Their Hearts by Chris & Melissa Swain, is a wonderful guide for taking practical steps toward inviting your kids into discipleship and what it looks like to pursue a relationship with God. Discipling our kids can be daunting to a lot of parents, but as the primary discipler and caregiver of your child’s faith, we want to help equip you for this journey. 

From practical baby steps for toddlers, to more in depth conversations with your teens, Write It On Their Hearts has guidance for every stage. This book comes with a “Family Discipleship Plan” outline that can help you get started on creating the rhythms that work for your family and bite-sized action steps at the end of each chapter. 

If you don’t know where to start, or just need a little help figuring out “where do I go from here?”, check out Write It On Their Hearts.

If you have any questions about our ministry or doing life with a preschool and elementary child, please let us know by reaching out to us!

The FG Kids Team