Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE


What is it?

Jonathan Edwards wrote, “Prayer is as natural an expression of faith as breathing is of life.” He couldn’t be more right. But what if we pushed a little bit on Edwards’ metaphor? You breathe every day. In fact, the equation is rather simple: If you don’t breathe, you don’t live. Breath in our lungs is almost a casual reality. However, there are also regular times in life when we need to stop, concentrate, and catch our breath. While prayer ought to be a daily, normal, and natural thing that infiltrates all of the Christian life, we also need focused and intentional times of prayer. Catching our spiritual breath, if you will. That’s what this resource is about.


How To use it

The title “A Prayer Collective” has at least two meanings. First, this resource is a collection of prayers. Some of these prayers have been prayed by God’s people for thousands of years, and some were just recently written for this project. Second, as a church, we want to be a prayer collective – a faith family united in our efforts to commune with each other and God through prayer. We believe that these prayers will encourage us to talk to and hear from God more faithfully. Make each prayer a part of your regular, daily routine as you pause in prayerful worship throughout your days and passionately pursue communing with God.

Great are you, O Lord, and greatly to be praised
Great is your power, and your wisdom infinite
You awaken us to delight in praising you
You have made us for yourself
And our hearts are restless, until we find rest in you

And what are you then, my God?
For who is lord but the Lord?
Or who is god if not our God?
You are most high, most good, most omnipotent;
Most merciful and most just;
Most hidden and most present;
Infinitely beautiful and infinitely strong;
Never new, never old;
Ever working, ever at rest;
Ever gathering, yet lacking nothing;
Seeking, yet having all things;
Never in need, yet rejoicing in gains;
You pay debts, owing nothing;
And you remit debts, losing nothing.

And after all this, what have I now said of you, My God, my life, my holy joy?
Now grant that I would find rest in you
Come to my heart and inebriate it
That I may forget the evils that beset me
Make me embrace you as my only good
My Lord, narrow is the mansion of my soul;
enlarge it It lies in ruins; rebuild it

Say now to my soul, “I am your salvation”
Say it so I can hear; my heart is listening
Speak it again to me, “I am your salvation”

Now, let me run to your voice, and seize hold of you
Great are you, O Lord, and greatly to be praised

This prayer comes from the first section of Augustine’s (354-430 AD) famous autobiography, Confessions. Here, he is declaring the greatness of God, and how that greatness is beyond our understanding. For Augustine, God’s greatness is cause for humility and joy as he seeks God.

Strong and patient God
Our refuge when the tempests howl
Our shelter when the winds roar
You are our ever-present help
Therefore, we will not fear

Though the earth gives way
Though the mountains be moved into the sea
We will not be afraid

Though empires rise and fall
Though temporal comforts fade and wane
We will not be afraid

Though accusation and shame seek to drown us
Though regret and blame breathe out lies
We will not be afraid

We will not fear
Because you are our strong fortress
Because your voice stills the raging seas
Because you dwell in our midst
The Lord of hosts is with us
The God of Jacob is his name
Come, behold the works of the Lord
Come, witness his wisdom
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear
He calms the anxious and lifts up the fallen
He makes wars to cease to the end of the earth
He says to all his children:

Be still and know that I am God
I will be exalted among the nations
I will be exalted in the earth
I will never leave you or forsake you
I am your protection
You strong and patient God

This is a declaration of trust based on Psalm 46. Here, the psalmist confesses his utter dependence on God no matter what the situation. This psalm is simultaneously an invitation to be still before God because of his faithfulness and strength.

Lord of all, Of creation and redemption,

What is my confidence which I have in this life? Is it not you, my God, whose mercies are without number? Where has it ever been well with me without you? Or where could it be ill with me when you were present?

I choose to be a sojourner on this earth, for your sake I embrace the poise of a pilgrim and the way of an exile For where you are, there is home and heaven And where you are not, there is death and hell

There is none that can help me in my necessities but you When temptations and adversities assail, you meet me there When trials and troubles abound, you bring me peace You alone can fill me full of heavenly consolations

Be my help, O Lord,

This is from Thomas à Kempis’ famous devotional work, The Imitation of Christ. Throughout this book, he prays to understand the way of Jesus more clearly so that he might obey him more fully.

O Lord, you are enthroned forever,
Your dominion is an everlasting dominion,
And your kingdom endures from generation to generation.
Because of this, we pray,

For world leaders,
May they know true peace

For our national leaders,
May they know true justice

For our state and city leaders,
May they know true wisdom

For leaders in our workplaces,
May they know true stewardship

For those who lead by example,
May they know true humility.

For parents as they lead their families,
May they know true grace

For those who lead our churches,
May they know true care

We ask that all of these be bestowed,
In the saving knowledge of Jesus our Messiah,
And in the hope of the world to come,

Based on Psalm 145:13 and Daniel 4:34, this is a prayer for leaders, founded on God’s sovereignty. All of these requests for different leaders look forward in hope to the fullness of God’s kingdom.

Almighty Father,

Since we have a great high priest, Jesus your Son,
We approach your throne of grace with confidence,
Knowing that we will receive mercy,
And find help in our time of need.
We confess our sins to you because you are faithful and just,
And will forgive us our sins,
and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

We confess that we have sinned against you
In thought, word, and deed,
By what we have done,
And by what we have left undone.
We have erred and strayed from your ways like lost sheep.
We have offended your holy and good laws.
We have followed too much
The devices and desires of our own hearts.

Of these things, we humbly repent.

Forgive us now,
According to your promises in Christ Jesus,
That we may delight in your will,
And walk in your ways,
To the glory of your name.

This prayer of confession seeks to openly renounce sin and receive Jesus’ promised mercy and grace. It borrows language from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer.

I am yours, I am bought with a price
I need you and long to trust you more,
In and past my feelings and circumstances.
I am no longer my own, but wholly belong to you.
Put me to what you will; rank me with whom you will.
Put me to doing; put me to suffering; I am freely yours.
Let me be successful for you, or laid aside for you.
Exalted for you, or brought low for you.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all, let me have nothing.
Release my hold on temporal things,
Things that are not means to further know you,
And make you known.
All that I am and all that I possess,
I yield to your good will and pleasure.

And now, glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
You are mine, and I am yours.
Now and hence and evermore.

This prayer has been used by Methodists since the late 1700s. John Wesley and his followers often used it in services for Christians to continually and publicly renew their commitment to God. It is a prayer of willingness, surrender, and consecration.

O Holy Spirit,
As the sun is full of light,
As the ocean full of water,
And as heaven full of glory,
So may my heart be full of Thee.

O Breath of God,
As power, expel every rebel lust and reign supreme, keeping me yours.
As teacher, lead me into truth, filling me with understanding.
As love, cause me to adore the Father, and love him as my all.
As joy, dwell in me, move in me, and animate me.
As light, illuminate Holy Scripture, molding me in its laws.
As sanctifier, make my body, mind, and soul wholly yours.
As helper, give strength to bless and sustain, directing my every step.
As beautifier, bring order out of confusion, and wholeness out of chaos.

O Divine Comforter,
Grant these things for Jesus’ sake.

This is a Puritan prayer to live out Paul’s encouragement to “be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). It walks through the different tasks of the Holy Spirit in Scripture, requesting that he would work in us and through us.

Almighty God,

As I cross the threshold of this day
I commit my soul, body, affairs, and friends to your care.
Watch over, keep, guide, direct, sanctify, and bless me.
Incline my heart to your ways and to your glory.
Mold me into the image of Jesus, as a potter forms clay.
Make my lips a well-tuned harp to sound your praise.

Let those around me see me living by your Spirit,
Trampling the world’s ideals underfoot,
Unconformed to lying vanities,
Transformed by a renewed mind,
Clad in the entire armor of God,
Shining as a never-dimmed light,
Showing holiness in all my doings.

Let no evil this day stain my thoughts, motives, words.
In needful transactions let my affection be in heaven,
My gaze fixed on unseen things,
My eyes open to the emptiness of mere earthly vanities.
May I view all things in the mirror of eternity,
Waiting for the coming of my Lord,
Hastening unto the new heaven and earth.

In view of heaven,
Order this day all my communications
According to your wisdom and for the sake of mutual good.
Forbid that I should speak or hope of that which is not true or lasting.
May I utter each word as if my last word,
And walk each step as my final one.
If my life should end today, let this be my best day.
Let it be a day where all my energies are fixed on you.

Search me, O God, and know my heart
Try me and know my thoughts
See if there be any grievous way in me
And lead me in the way everlasting

You know when I sit down and when I rise up
You discern the layers of my motives
You see my blindspots that I cannot
You are acquainted with all my ways
Even before a word is on my tongue
Behold, O Lord, you know it altogether
And you love me still

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your loyal love
According to your abundant mercy, blot out my transgressions
Wash me from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin
Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow
Purify me from within

Let me hear the gladness of forgiveness
Let the bones that you have broken rejoice
Restore unto me the joy of your salvation
And uphold me with a willing spirit
Deliver me from the prison of guilt, O God
And my tongue will sing aloud of your righteousness
Open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise

Search me, O God, and know my heart
Try me and know my thoughts
See if there be any grievous way in me
And lead me in the way everlasting

This is a blending together of the prayers found in Psalm 139 and Psalm 51. In these, David asks God to search him, know him, test his heart, have mercy on him, and pleads with God to purify him. David, in pursuit of greater intimacy with God, knows that he will more fully experience God’s presence when his heart and motives are submitted to God.

God of all grace,
Make us mindful of the needs of others,
Make our hearts ever prayerful for them.
We entrust them and their needs to you,
And to your wise providence and care.

For the ill, feeble, and elderly
Who are not able to care for themselves,
We ask for strength and healing for their bodies.

For the poor, oppressed, hungry, and less fortunate,
We ask that their needs would be met,
And that you would use us to do so.

For those trapped by fear, depression, and worry,
We ask that they would sense hope in the midst of despair,
And that they might feel your peace that passes understanding.

For widows, orphans, and those without a loving family,
We ask that they might experience your compassion,
And find belonging in your family, the church.

For strained relationships between family and friends,
May all involved humbly see their great need
For the grace and truth of Jesus.

For marriages both new and old,
We ask for renewed bonds of trust, communication, and joy.
We ask that they be filled with humility, kindness, and self-giving love.

For those we know who don’t have a relationship with you through Jesus,
We ask that they be drawn to see, in the cross and resurrection,
That your mercy is the only remedy for their sin.

Father, grant that all of these would find freedom,
Freedom in your Son and by your Spirit,
Freedom from bondage to self,
Freedom to service and hope.
For your name’s sake, Amen.

This is a prayer of intercession that seeks God on behalf of others. It follows Paul’s encouragement to Timothy to pray for all kinds of people in all kinds of situations (1 Timothy 2:1), all the while ultimately praying for people to find freedom in Jesus.

O Spirit of Truth,

Because all Scripture is divine life and breath,
Because it is all useful for instruction and correction,
Because it is all able to equip and transform,

Illumine to me the words of the Lord therein.
Show me the wealth of glory beneath the old familiar stories.
Teach me the depths of meaning in the songs of Zion.
Raise me to the heights reached by the wings of the prophets.
Lift me to the summit of faith trod by the feet of the apostles.
Embolden me with the courage of your martyrs and saints.
Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.


From the old Scottish minister George Matheson, this is a prayer that the truth of Scripture would become alive and experiential to us. It believes that God can, does, and will change people through his Word and prays to that end.

O Risen Christ,

All your ways of mercy tend to and end in my delight;
You wept and suffered that I might rejoice.
For my joy, you sent the Comforter, the Holy Spirit.
You have shown me my future happiness,
And have given me a living fountain.
You are preparing joy for me and me for joy.
I pray for joy, wait for joy, and long for joy.
Give me more than I can hold, desire, or think of.

Measure out to me my needed degrees of joy;
At my work, at my leisure,
And in all responsibilities to which I must attend.
If I weep at night,
Give me joy in the morning.
Let me rest in the thought of your love;
Your pardon for sin,
My title to heaven,
And your unchanging favor.

I am an unworthy recipient of your grace;
I often disesteem your blood and slight your kindness,
But can, in repentance,
Draw water from the wells of your joyous forgiveness.
Let my heart leap towards the eternal Sabbath,
Where the work of redemption, sanctification,
And preservation is perfected forever,
Where you will rejoice over me with joy.

There is no joy like the joy of heaven.
For in that state are no sad divisions, quarrels, contentions,
Evil designs, lusts, persecutions,
Toils, strivings, or needs.

O healthful place where none are sick!
O holy gathering where all are priests!
O happy land where all are kings!
How free a state where none are servants, except to you!
With haste, bring me to the land of joy,
And with haste, bring that land’s joy to me.

This is an old prayer that trusts God to give his children joy. The joy that this prayer seeks can be experienced regardless of one’s situation and is based on God’s grace. Climactically, the joy prayed for in this prayer has its eyes fixed on the joys of heaven.

Holy Spirit,

Form Christ in us, deep within us.
Change us in such a way that we never recover from it.
Make us bear fruit that reflects Jesus’ life
So that others are drawn to him.

Cultivate in us love,
Sacrificial, others-centered love that expects nothing in return.

Work in us joy,
Tangible, contagious joy that doesn’t flee when trials come.

Grant us peace,
Culture-transforming peace that comforts beyond words.

Fill us with patience,
Enduring, hopeful patience that always leads to grace.

Grow in us kindness,
Thoughtful, serving kindness that seeks to bless others.

Stir in us goodness,
Generous, humble goodness that pursues harmony in all things.

Further in us faithfulness,
Unbending, trusting faithfulness that isn’t shaken by storms.

Clothe us with gentleness,
Meek, contrite gentleness that considers others before self.

Develop in us self-control,
Wise, aware self-control that thinks before it acts.

Holy Spirit,as you sanctify us in Christ-likeness,
Expose our sin and grant repentance,
Purify us with your word and your truth,
Make grace to be our native tongue
In these things, glorify Jesus the Son,
And satisfy us, his people.

This prayer is based on Paul’s famous passage about the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:16-26. It wants each “piece of fruit” to blossom in daily life in such a way that the character of Jesus is seen clearly in our character.

Be gone unbelief, my Savior is near
And for my relief will surely appear
By prayer let me wrestle, and he will perform
With Christ in the vessel, I smile at the storm

Though dark be my way, since he is my Guide
Tis mine to obey, tis his to provide
Though cisterns be broken, and creatures all fail
The Word he has spoken shall surely prevail

His love in time past forbids me to think
He’ll leave me at last in trouble to sink
Each sweet Ebenezer I have in review
Confirms his good pleasure to help me quite through

Why should I complain of want or distress
Temptation or pain, he told me no less
The heirs of salvation, I know from his Word
Through much tribulation must follow their Lord

Since all that I meet shall work for my good
The bitter is sweet, the medicine is food
Though painful at present, twill cease before long
And then, oh how pleasant the conqueror’s song

This is a hymn from British pastor John Newton (who also wrote “Amazing Grace”). It is a prayer-poem that yearns to hold fast to faith in Jesus even when life seems heavy, confusing, and painful.

Creator and Redeemer, Triune God,
We will never cease in our thanks to you.
For the grace upon grace extended to us in Jesus.
This grace, always exceeding our lack and sufficient for our need,
This grace has called us to yourself, and will likewise sustain us.
As your kind hands ever guide and guard us, O Lord,
May we remember this lavish grace in all that You are.

You are more faithful than we are distracted.
You are more willing than we are stubborn.
You are more constant than we are wandering.
You are more creative than we are mundane.
You are more loving than we are critical.
You are more caring than we are apathetic.
You are more pure than we are defiled.
You are more steadfast than we are fickle.
You are more compassionate than we are victimized.
You are more sovereign than we are manipulative.
You are more generous than we are greedy.
You are more available than we are busy.
You are more comforting than we are troubled.
You are more forgiving than we are sinful.

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
For the grace that pervades all that you are and all that you do,
Make us ever needful, ever thankful, and ever hopeful.

This is a prayer that God’s grace and sufficiency would be seen in our need and experienced in our sin. If we rightly consider the various attributes of God, his grace should be clearer to us in that consideration.

Blessed are you, the God of Israel,
Our Father, forever and ever.
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness,
And the power and the glory,
And the victory and the majesty,
For all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours.

Yours is the kingdom, O Lord,
And you are exalted as head above all.
Both riches and honor come from you,
And you rule over all.
In your hands are power and might,
And in your hands it is to make great.
And now we thank you, our God,
And praise your glorious name.

But who am I, and who are these people,
That we should be able to offer to you willingly?
For all things come from you,
And of your own we have given back to you.
For we are strangers before you and sojourners, as our fathers were.
Our days on the earth are like a shadow, they do not abide.
I know, O God, that you test the heart and delight in uprightness.
And in the uprightness of my heart, I have freely offered these things.

O Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel,
Keep forever the hearts of your people,
And direct their hearts toward you.
We praise you, O Lord God, our Father,
And bow low before you this day.

This prayer is the climax of David’s reign as he awaits the building of the Temple in 1 Chronicles 29:10-18. He is praising God for his sovereignty and his promises. And some of the language in this prayer is even used by John in Revelation when he gets a glimpse of God’s heavenly Temple and throne room.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, let me sow pardon.
Where there is doubt, let me sow faith.
Where there is despair, let me sow hope.
Where there is darkness, let me sow light.
Where there is sadness, let me sow joy.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Use me despite my weaknesses,
Use me because of my weaknesses,
That the strength of your grace might be made known.

As you use me, change my desires.
Make me long to console more than be consoled.
Make me want to understand more than be understood.
Make me desire to love more than be loved.
For it is in giving that we truly receive.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

This is a modified version of a classic prayer by Francis of Assisi (1181-1226). Francis was a friar who diligently preached, sought, and prayed for peace in his day. He was known for abandoning a life of luxury in order to put others first, and this prayer is evidence of that.

Eternal God,
In whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn
But the sword of righteousness,
And no strength is known
But the strength of love.

Grant that we would take the good news of Jesus’ rescuing reign
To our neighbors, our city, our state, and to the ends of the earth.
Grant that your church, bound together in unity by your Holy Spirit,
Would show forth your power among all peoples,
That they may be gathered under the banner of the Prince of Peace.
Grant that those distant from you might be disciples of you
That they would turn from themselves and to your welcoming arms.
Grant that we, your ambassadors, would be filled with boldness,
As we attend to this holy task to see your kingdom community expand.

We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,
Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
One God, forever and ever – world without end.

Footnote:This prayer is about kingdom advancement. It borrows language from several prayers in The Book of Common Prayer, and its essence is to sense the urgency of the church’s mission. We have been called to take the light of the gospel of Jesus into darkness. This prayer is for continued grace to do so.

Praise the Lord, O my soul!
I will praise the Lord as long as I live.
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.

Put not your trust in princes,
In whom there is no salvation.
When his breath departs, he returns to the earth.
On that very day, his plans perish.
But blessed is he whose help is the God of Israel,
Whose hope is in the Lord his God,
Who made heaven and earth,
The seas, and all that is in them,
Who keeps faith forever,
Who executes justice for the oppressed,
Who gives food to the hungry.

The Lord sets the prisoners free.
The Lord opens the eyes of the blind.
The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down.
The Lord loves the righteous.
The Lord watches over the sojourners.
He upholds the widow and the fatherless,
But the way of the wicked he brings to ruin.
The Lord will reign forever.
Your God, O Zion, will rule to all generations.
Praise the Lord!

From Psalm 146, this is known as a Hallel psalm (begins and ends with the Hebrew word hallelujah). It is a call to worship him as Creator and Redeemer because he is the truly worthy one.

O Thou in whose boundless love are laid up all treasures of wisdom and truth, grant that through fellowship with Thee the true graces of Christian character may more and more take shape within my soul:

The grace of a thankful and uncomplaining heart
The grace of courage, whether in suffering or in danger
The grace of preparedness, lest I enter into temptation
The grace of bodily discipline and stewardship of my energy
The grace to treat others as I would have others treat me
The grace of boldness in standing for what is right
The grace of charity, that I may refrain from hasty judgement
The grace of silence, that I may refrain from hasty speech
The grace of forgiveness towards all who have wronged me

And now, O God, give me a quiet mind. Dwell freely in my thoughts. Let me rejoice in the knowledge that, whether awake or asleep, I am still with Thee. Let me not be fretted by any anxiety over the lesser interests of life. Loosen my grip upon the things that ought to remain in the periphery of life. Let no trouble disturb me unless it draws me nigh unto Thee. And to Thy Name be all the glory.


This prayer comes from the small book, A Diary of Private Prayer by John Baillie. It is a plea for godly Christian character to be formed within us.

All praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Who has chosen us in Jesus before the foundation of the world,
In whom we have redemption through his blood,
Through whom we have a perfect inheritance,
And are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit,
We praise you, Father, for your innumerable gifts.

We thank you for your people, the church.
Open and enlighten the eyes of our hearts,
So that we may know the hope to which you have called us.
Make us also to know the riches of your glory,
And the immeasurable greatness of your power,
The same power that raised Jesus from the dead,
And seated him at your right hand in the heavenly places,
Far above all rule and authority and dominion,
Not only in this age, but also in the age to come.

Father, we bow our knees before you,
We beg you, bestow on us divine strength.
By grace, make us rooted and grounded in love.
May we comprehend with all the saints,
What is the breadth and length,
And height and depth of the love of Christ,
A love that surpasses knowledge,
That we may be filled up with all the fullness of God.

Father, you are able to do far more abundantly
Beyond than all that we can ask or think,
And according to your power at work within us,
Glorify Jesus in your church throughout all generations,
Both now and forever.


Adapted from Ephesians 1 and 3, this is a prayer of praise and thanks for all that God has done in the gospel. In the gospel of Jesus, God has made known his grace, glory, power, and love. This prayer seeks a great engagement with those divine realities.

Most merciful and gracious God,
Fountain of all patience and blessing,

Thou hast opened the hand of Thy mercy
To fill me with blessings.
Thou feedest us like a Shepherd,
And I shall not want.
Thou lovest us as a Friend
And I shall never be alone.
Thou thinkest on us perpetually,
As a careful mother on her innocent babe.

As Thou hast spread Thy hand upon me for a covering,
So also enlarge my heart with thankfulness.
And let Thy gracious favors and lovingkindness
Endure forever and ever upon Thy servant.
Cause what Thou hast sown in mercy to be harvested in joy
Let Thy grace so strengthen my purposes that I may sin no more.
And let me walk in the paths of Thy commandments,
That I may at last enter into the glory of my Lord,
And spend a whole eternity in praise to Thy ever-glorious name

This is an 18th century prayer of praise and worship for God’s providence in all of life. It seeks to recognize and appreciate all of God’s gifts in a way that lives more faithfully for his glory.

You are the blessed God
Happy in yourself and source of happiness in your creatures You are my Maker, Benefactor, Proprietor, Upholder
You have sustained me, supported me, saved me, and kept me You are in every situation able to meet my needs and miseries

May I live by you, live for you, live unto you
And never be satisfied with progress in life
Unless it resembles and mimics Christ himself

May conformity to Christ’s teaching and temperament grow hourly in my life
And may I never be at ease with shallow answers to deep questions
So that I may learn dependence upon him, my meek and merciful Lord

Father, let your love constrain me to holy obedience
Let it animate my soul and render my duty as my delight
If others deem my faith folly, my gentleness infirmity, my zeal madness,
My hope delusion, my actions hypocrisy, may I rejoice to suffer for your name
Keep me walking steadfastly towards the country of everlasting delights
Towards that paradise-land which is my true inheritance

Fortify me by the strength of heaven that I may never turn back
That I may never desire false pleasures that will disappear into nothing
As I pursue my heavenly destiny by your grace

Let me be known as a servant with no aim but that of pleasing you
And seeking to love others for your sake

Let it be

These words form a collective longing to rely on Jesus, to imitate him, and to follow him wholly. Conformity to Christ is the final goal of our salvation in God’s New Creation, and this is a prayer to experience that future reality today. 

O God, in the name of Jesus Christ your Son

Give us that love which can never cease
That will kindle our lamps but not extinguish them,
That they may burn in us and enlighten others.

O Christ, our dearest Savior,
Ignite our lamps,
That they may evermore shine in your temple,
That they may receive unquenchable light from you,
That will enlighten our darkness,
And lessen the darkness of the world.

Lord Jesus, we pray,
Give your light to our flickering lamps,
That we may behold your workings and ways.

O Light of the World, brighten our days
That we may always see you, desire you,
Long for you, and bask in your rays

The metaphor of light and darkness begins on the first page of the Bible and runs all the way through to the very last page of the Bible. This is a prayer for the inextinguishable light of Jesus to shine more brightly in our lives.

I will extol you, O Lord,
For you have drawn me up,
And have not let my foes rejoice over me.
O Lord my God, I cried to you for help,
And you have healed me.
You have brought up my soul from the depths.
You restored me to life
From among those who go down to the pit.

Sing praises to the Lord, O you his saints,
And give thanks to his holy name.
For his anger is but for a moment,
And his favor is for a lifetime.
Weeping may last for the night,
But joy comes in the morning.

So to you, O Lord, I cry, and to you I plead for mercy,
What profit is there in my death if I go down to the pit?
Will the dust praise you?
Will it tell of your faithfulness?
Hear, O Lord, and be merciful to me!
O Lord, be my helper!

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing!
You have removed my sackcloth, and clothed me with joy,
That my heart may sing your praise and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!

Another prayer of David, these words from Psalm 30 seek to praise God for his favor and grace, and also call God’s people to rejoice in his faithfulness as Father.

Most trustworthy Father,

You haven’t promised us a storm-less, hassle-free, disappointment-empty life. You offer us no formulas for decreasing the probability of confusing things happening around us or disillusioning things happening to us. But you have promised something that transcends the chaos and fear of uncertainty. You’ve promised to keep us in perfect peace in the midst of whatever happens.

Thank you for being a Father who will never forget or abandon your children. You will never ignore or neglect me. But your promise is even grander. You’ve promised to keep us in perfect peace. Not semi-peace. Not partial-peace. Not wanna-be peace. All we have to do is mine the riches of the gospel and keep in mind the wonders of your love. All we have to do is to set our minds and affections on things above, for you are the Lord – the eternal Rock that is higher than us, the Rock of refuge, the Rock of ages.

Because the gospel is true, because Jesus is the Cornerstone, I will not despair when I am weak in concentration and focus. I will not despair when I have a hard controlling my thoughts and imagination. Indeed, Father, you’re not calling us to trust in our ability to trust, but to trust in you and in your trustworthiness. For you’ve even promised your children a peace that passes understanding. What a God you are! You are so compassionate and generous! There is no god like you, Father, no not one. How great are your mercies! How profound your kindnesses! How more-than-sufficient your grace. In the name of Jesus – the Prince of Peace, the basis and bounty of all peace – Amen.

From Pastor Scotty Smith, this is a prayer about God’s promises and his own trustworthiness. Climactically, because of Jesus, God is worthy to be believed and obeyed because of how sure his promises are.

Sweet Spirit of God,
Move, I pray, upon my disordered heart.
Lift the clouds of darkness and unbelief.
Brighten my soul with the pure light of your word,
And take the things of Christ and show them plainly to me.
Through thee may I daily learn more of his
Grace, compassion, faithfulness, beauty.

Help me to find in his death the reality and immensity of his love
Open for me the wondrous volumes of truth in his “It is finished.”
Increase my faith in the clear knowledge of
Atonement achieved,

Satisfaction made,
Guilt done away,
My debt paid,
My sins forgiven,
My future redeemed,
Hell vanquished,
Heaven opened,
Eternity made mine.

Sweet Spirit of God,
Deepen in me these saving lessons.
Write them upon my heart, that my days may be
Sin-loathing, sin-fleeing, and Christ-loving.
For the upbuilding of your holy church,

And the furthering of your fame. Amen.

This is a prayer that the Holy Spirit would make the person and work of Jesus more and more central in our hearts so that we would be changed. The Spirit transforms us by causing us to realize the depth of what happened at the cross. This is a prayer about furthering that realization.

Lord of Hosts,

I have no power over the enemy on my own,
I have no innate strength within myself,
To fight his deceptive devices.
Therefore, in surrender and trust,
I will put on the full armor of God,
So that I may take my stand against the devil’s schemes.

In your strength, I will stand firm,
By fastening the belt of truth,
By putting on the breastplate of righteousness,
By readying my feet to go in your peace,
By taking the shield of faith,
The helmet of salvation,
And the sword of the Spirit, which is your word.

Our enemy seeks to sow doubt and despair.
To fight these, sustain and comfort my fragile heart.
Our enemy prowls around like a roaring lion, accusing and deceiving.
To fight these, make me hear his lies for what they are.
Our enemy longs to tempt and destroy.
To fight these, surround me with your love through your people.

O Commander of heaven’s armies,
Whenever I sense or face an evil presence or power,
Grant both peace and confidence to my soul,
Causing me to know that yours is the victory.
The struggle I face is not against flesh and blood,
But against a present darkness,
That cannot extinguish the light of your triumph.
This triumph is mine through Jesus Christ my Lord,
Who has conquered sin and death and Satan
At the cross and in his glorious resurrection.
It is in his name that we pray for divine protection,
Spirit-empowerment, and kingdom-advancement,
For your glory,

This is a prayer for sensitivity to and courage for spiritual warfare. Our confidence for spiritual warfare comes from standing firm in the armor of God (see Ephesians 6:10-18) and looking to Jesus as the source of our victory. 

O Lord, the great and awesome God,
Who keeps covenant and steadfast love
With those who love him and keep his commandments,
We have sinned and acted wickedly and rebelled,
Turning aside from your commandments and rules.

To us, O Lord, belongs open shame,
To our kings, our princes, and our fathers,
Because we have sinned against you.
But to the Lord our God belongs

Mercy, forgiveness, and righteousness.

We have rebelled against him,
And have not obeyed the voice of the Lord
By walking in his laws,
Which he set before us by his servants the prophets.
All Israel has transgressed your law and turned aside,
Refusing to obey your voice.

Now therefore, our God, we entreat you,
Listen to the prayers of your servants,
And to our pleas for mercy,
And for your own sake, O Lord,
Make your face to shine upon us.

O God, incline your ear and hear.
Open your eyes and see our desolations,
And the city that is called by your name.
For we do not present our pleas before you
Because of our own righteousness,
But because of your great mercy, O Lord.

So, hear and forgive, O Lord.
Give your attention, and act.
Delay not, for your own sake.
Act for the display of your glory,
Act on behalf of your people, who are called by your name.

This is a corporate prayer of confession found in Daniel 9. The original leader of this prayer was Daniel, while he was in exile under King Darius. Daniel desired to lead God’s people in repentance in such a way that God’s fame was further put on display for others to see.

Holy Father

The cares of my heart are many
The emotions of my soul are tired
The strength of my mind is weary
And yet you call me to love you
With all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength
I confess, O God, I need Thee
Rescue me from myself

Holy Jesus

The blood of your cross speaks
It tells of justice required, sin absolved, and grace lavished
And the reality of your resurrection speaks peace
It quiets my heart’s cares
It anchors my soul in truth
It restores my strength
And the promise of your return inoculates hope with joy

Holy Spirit

Be the divine wind in my sails and divine breath in my lungs
Empower my hands to mission and service
Teach me to love my enemies
Help me steward my energy to delight in you
Fashion my character to be that of Christ
Renovate my desires to prioritize the glory of the gospel
Enflame my obedience to love you with all my heart, soul, mind, strength

Capture my heart, O Three-Personed God
Take me to you, for I, except you enthrall me, never shall be free

In the vein of John Donne’s holy sonnets, this prayer is a prayer of desperation and begging before God. It is a prayer of longing and crying out to rightly see and sense our deepest need, and then submit it to God. 

Disturb us, Lord,

When we are too well pleased with ourselves;
When our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little,
When we have arrived safely because we sailed too close to shore.

Disturb us, Lord,

When we have lost our thirst for the waters of life;
When we have fallen so in love with this life, and have ceased to dream of eternity,
When our earthly efforts have caused our vision of heaven to grow dim.

Disturb us, Lord,

To dare more boldly,
To venture on wider seas,
Where storms will show your mastery,
And where losing sight of land, we shall find stars.

We pray, O Lord, push us into the future,
In strength, in courage, and in hope.
We ask in the name of our Captain, Jesus the Christ.

This prayer is from Francis Drake (1540-1596). Drake was a sailor, and is known as the second person to sail around the world. The nautical imagery in this prayer is a powerful metaphor for the journey we are on as believers in Jesus.

I believe in God the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord,
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
Born of the Virgin Mary,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
Was crucified, dead, and buried.
He descended into death,
And on the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven,
And sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty,
From there he shall come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
The holy catholic church,
The communion of saints,
The forgiveness of sins,
The resurrection of the body,
And life everlasting.


This is the earliest post-biblical summary of Christian doctrine. When the prayer confesses belief in “the holy catholic church,” it is not referring to the Roman Catholic Church, but rather the original meaning of catholic — universal. This creed has been widely used in worship and teaching for hundreds of years by most church traditions.


“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time 
he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”
- 1 Peter 5:6-7

We believe in the power of communicating with our great God. He invites us to cast our worries upon him because he truly cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). Our team of pastors meets together regularly to pray for needs within and outside the walls of our church, both locally and globally. You can request prayer anytime by clicking the button below.