Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

FGS High School Guys Hike Day

If you are a high school guy and love the outdoors then FGS would like to invite you to a fun, adventurous hiking day on April 27 from 8:00 AM - 8:30 PM.

We will be driving up to North Carolina and spending a day hiking in Pisgah National Forest (Ranger District). At different times along the trail we will be pausing to soak up creation, engage in discussion, and enjoy fellowship with one another.

Please join us as we reconnect with Jesus in what He has made!

Cost is $10 to cover cost of dinner and transportation, which will be required at time of registration.

This event has limited availability, so make sure to sign up now. You don't want to miss this event!

Registration closed on Saturday, October 7, 2023

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