Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Day 7 | O Holy Spirit

This is a Puritan prayer to live out Paul’s encouragement to “be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). It walks through the different tasks of the Holy Spirit in Scripture, requesting that he would work in us and through us.

O Holy Spirit, 
As the sun is full of light, 
As the ocean full of water, 
And as heaven full of glory, 
So may my heart be full of Thee. 
O Breath of God, 
As power, expel every rebel lust and reign supreme, keeping me yours. As teacher, lead me into truth, filling me with understanding. As love, cause me to adore the Father, and love him as my all. As joy, dwell in me, move in me, and animate me. 
As light, illuminate Holy Scripture, molding me in its laws. As sanctifier, make my body, mind, and soul wholly yours. As helper, give strength to bless and sustain, directing my every step. As beautifier, bring order out of confusion, and wholeness out of chaos. 
O Divine Comforter, 
Grant these things for Jesus’ sake.