Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Day 13 | Getting to the Root of Conflict

Written by Charlie Boyd

Conflict among you is the result of conflict within you. No peace inside = no peace outside. The missing peace in your life is that you want something God has not seen fit to give you, so you are trying to squeeze it out of the people and things in this life. You blame them when you don’t get what you want rather than accept the fact that “all good gifts come from God.” God, not people or events, is the ultimate source of your happiness and all the good things that come into your life.

READ James 4:1-12

The cause of conflict is a battle going on deep inside you. The battle is: you want something, but you’re not getting it. And, you are doing everything you can to get what you want from someone, and when you don’t get it, you blame them for your unhappiness 4:1-3).

James says (vv7-10), “Humble yourself before God, Resist believing the devil’s lie that you can get the “good life” apart from God. Draw near to God—talk to Him about what’s going on in your heart—talk to Him about what you feel you need–and He will draw near to you. This is wisdom. This is what putting your faith into action in relational conflicts looks like. And this will result in inner peace and a freedom that passes all understanding.