Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

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Acts 1


Most merciful and gracious God,
Fountain of all patience and blessing,

Thou hast opened the hand of Thy mercy
To fill me with blessings.
Thou feedest us like a Shepherd,
And I shall not want.
Thou lovest us as a Friend
And I shall never be alone.
Thou thinkest on us perpetually,
As a careful mother on her innocent babe.

As Thou hast spread Thy hand upon me for a covering,
So also enlarge my heart with thankfulness.
And let Thy gracious favors and lovingkindness
Endure forever and ever upon Thy servant.
Cause what Thou hast sown in mercy to be harvested in joy
Let Thy grace so strengthen my purposes that I may sin no more.
And let me walk in the paths of Thy commandments,
That I may at last enter into the glory of my Lord,
And spend a whole eternity in praise to Thy ever-glorious name