Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

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2 Kings 18-20


Holy Father

The cares of my heart are many
The emotions of my soul are tired
The strength of my mind is weary
And yet you call me to love you
With all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength
I confess, O God, I need Thee
Rescue me from myself

Holy Jesus

The blood of your cross speaks
It tells of justice required, sin absolved, and grace lavished
And the reality of your resurrection speaks peace
It quiets my heart’s cares
It anchors my soul in truth
It restores my strength
And the promise of your return inoculates hope with joy

Holy Spirit

Be the divine wind in my sails and divine breath in my lungs
Empower my hands to mission and service
Teach me to love my enemies
Help me steward my energy to delight in you
Fashion my character to be that of Christ
Renovate my desires to prioritize the glory of the gospel
Enflame my obedience to love you with all my heart, soul, mind, strength

Capture my heart, O Three-Personed God
Take me to you, for I, except you enthrall me, never shall be free