Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Abide - Mark's Story

by Mark Call

"As you may remember, when Charlie began preaching in John, he asked us to read through this gospel twice. As I read, I was struck by how many times John used the word abide. This was obviously an extremely important concept from John that he also emphasizes in 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John. The Spirit challenged me to meditate on what it truly means to abide in Christ, the Word, prayer, etc. I then asked Charlie for resources to help and he suggested "Abide In Christ" by Andrew Murray. Wrestling with this concept, and seeking the Spirit's guidance has been a sweet time of growth, and I feel like I’ve only touched the surface. Such is the depth of our God and Savior. I’m thankful for a church that pushes us to grow in the Word, trust in the Spirit, and live out what we learn in community." - Mark C.

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