Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE


12/5/2019 Previous Issues


Dan Lampinen had a large mass removed from his kidney. Please pray for peace and healing. 

Please pray for those that are suffering from sickness and loss as the Holidays approach. 

"Pastor Bryan Nerren from Tennessee has been making short-term missions trips to India for seventeen years to train local believers to be effective Sunday School teachers. Though aware that India’s Hindu government has increased its persecution of Christians, Pastor Nerren has been committed to risk-taking Gospel advance. On his most recent trip in October, Nerren was detained by the authorities on a technicality. In addition to confiscating his passport, the judge banned him from leaving the country. His next hearing is scheduled for December 12. (via Frontline Missions)" Source: Frontline Missions.

Way to Pray: Please pray for Pastor Nerren as well as for Indian believers who suffer for Christ in a country that is hostile to the Cross.     

Carolyn serves in the country of Georgia and its neighboring countries, working mainly with women and children. She has a passion for leading people to Jesus Christ and showing them how God and His Word can bring healing and restoration. Through intensive Bible studies for post-abortion healing and more, women come to know God as their Healer and Redeemer. They come to have a passion for God's Word as they learn that His Word is relevant for today and is sufficient! Carolyn also trains leaders in biblical counseling and works to develop and train national leaders in each city to carry on these ministries. In the summers, Carolyn works with Christian camps for at-risk youth and helps with camps for refugees, orphans, and disabled children.

Way to Pray: Please pray for many opportunities to share the gospel through our winter holiday events. My church youth have special outreaches during this time, and I have many guests during the holiday season, with increased opportunities to share my faith around the holiday themes. We had an oral-story telling training as a way to reach Muslim women. My Azeri colleagues and I need to develop a plan of how to implement this training in the context of post-abortion healing. This work will take place in the fall and winter. Please pray for wisdom and creativity. 

  • Pray for Patrick Emery as he is traveling this week with some colleagues and leading a camping/kayaking trip for new CCO staff members. Pray that this is a great time of fellowshipping and growing together.
  • Please pray for Carolyn Rice and her team. They are working on a new translation of the Forgiven and Set Free curriculum to continue spreading the gospel via abortion recovery.
  • Pray for Rob Marks and Jay Wilson as they serve in Liberia this week.

Lt. Matthew Clark
Caleb Ford
2nd Lieutenant Parker Lewis
SFC Josh McSpadden
Cpt. Laura Rodgers
Major Tiffany Scheivert
...and the many others who are in active military service.

Layla Barker
Karyl Brandon
Mercedes Benitez
Robert Black
Casey Clifton
Caleb Chewning
Greg Cornwell
Ron Critser
Renae Davies

Bill DeVaney
Karen Florenza
Lynn Gleason
Marty Gonzalez
Debbie Gonzalez
Scott Hannon
Judy Harmon
Joe Heaton
Susan Huggins
Linda James

Tom Koepke
Sandra Lipscomb
Laura Lewis
Vernon Long
Charlotte Mathers
Sue McElwee
Robyn Miller
Theresa Poole
Janine Slocum

Annick Pays's father
Tita Salloum
Tom Spake
Karen Starring's father
Brittany Thomas
Tim Zeiss

Dakar, Senegal: Apr 19-Apr 28
Monterrey, Mexico: Jun 08-Jun 13
Costa Rica: Jun 15-Jun 21
Senegal, West Africa: Jun 21-Jun 30
Cali, Colombia: Jun 22-Jun 29
Lexington, SC: Jul 07-Jul 13
NYC, NY: Jul 14-Jul 20
Slovakia: Jul 16-Jul 30
Bucaramanga, Colombia: Jul 20-Jul 27
Berlin, Germany: Sep 06-Sep 16
Barranquilla, Colombia: Oct 05-Oct 12
Dakar, Senegal: Nov 08-Nov 17
Christy (1/24 Update)
Collins (12/23 Update)
Coppins (7/22 Update)
DeVaney (3/24 Update)
Fletcher (1/24 Update)
Foth (3/24 Update)
Gfeller (4/24 Update)
Githua (4/24 Update)
Gonzalez (9/22 Update)
Haas (3/24 Update)
Hallford (4/24 Update)
Ingrassia (12/23 Update)
Mackey (11/22 Update)
Macura (4/24 Update)
Martens (2/24 Update)
McCracken (4/24 Update)
Melton (11/23 Update)
Mueller (2/24 Update)
Mung (9/23 Update)
Sheppard (3/24 Update)
Shepperson (6/23 Update)
Wheeler (12/23 Update)