Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

With Jesus: Led by the Spirit

Charlie Boyd - 6/21/2020

Here are the main points from today’s message and the call-outs that were on the screen.

We are continuing our study in what it means to be a disciple of Jesus today. We are saying that “Discipleship is doing life with Jesus, in community, and on mission. Last week, Jim helped us to see that “being a disciple means to be shaped by the Book.” It means being a “Scripture-saturated” person. This week we are looking at a second way we do life with Jesus today. “Being a disciple of Jesus means to be led by the Spirit.” …Be in the Word and led by the Spirit. Let’s look at three pictures of being with Jesus by being led by the Spirit and then we will focus on one response.

Picture #1 — John 14:15-23 …The Holy Spirit is Jesus living in us. He is the way we live with Jesus today.

Picture #2 Exodus 34:29-35; 2 Corinthians 3:16-18; …The Holy Spirit is the empowering presence of Jesus living in us. He is the way we are transformed to be more and more like Jesus day by day.

Picture #3John 15:4-5,8; Galatians 5:22-25 … The Holy Spirit is the one who produces Jesus-like fruit in our lives. He is the way we put Jesus on display.

Three pictures, now one response—Make it your aim to be led by the Holy Spirit. How do you do that? …Build your life on the rock, solid Bible truth that your relationship with God, your ability to live as a disciple of Jesus, is only possible through the Person of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is Christ in you.

#1 Invite the Spirit into every area of your life. …Your Bible reading, your prayer life, into all your decision-making.

#2 Create the conditions in your life to allow the Spirit to do his transforming work in you.  

And remember this… The Holy Spirit transforms you over time—that is, life-change is harder than we want and takes longer than we expect. …It takes a long time and it takes a lot of time. It’s labor-intensive—not in trying harder to change but creating the space in your life for the Spirit to do his work in you. So, be patient—be patient with God and be patient with yourself.

And also remember… The Holy Spirit is always present and working in you to transform you in the hard times of life. The very times we want to avoid like that plague have the most potential to shape you into the image of Jesus.

Now think, what would have to change in your life if you make it your aim to be led by the Holy Spirit in all the moments of all your days?