Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Fletcher : Joel & Lauren

Joel and Lauren married in 2014 knowing that God was calling them into overseas work. Over their married journey, God has graciously been the steering winds in the sails, highlighting items He wanted them to be involved in. Joel fell into an agricultural role at a small Christian college. He discovered that agriculture is the culmination of his desire to grow men and use teachable moments well, and paired with the drive to work outside with his hands. The Lord highlighted a love and gift for languages and culture in Lauren, and she has received her masters degree in Applied Linguistics for use in Translation work.

The Fletchers are on the field in Southeast Asia to work with an unreached Muslim group. There, through farming and language, they are making disciples and sharing the abundant life that God gives. 

Way to Pray: Please pray for Joel and Lauren as they return to Southeast Asia after their recent furlough. They are looking at some big changes this next year, so please pray for wisdom and discernment with each step they take.

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